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September 24, 2004 - 8:08 p.m.

Had a pretty good day today until I went to take one of the kids to the bathroom at the school when we were playing after school on the playground. I noticed one of the kids I look after had his bike vandalized. The training wheel had been broken off and they were trying to tamper with the lock but, could not get it open. I took Olivia to the bathroom and when I came out I saw the Principal in the office so I went to tell her about the vandalism. All she said was don't use the bathroom after school and she said it in a very snarky voice. How do you tell a kid not to go to the bathroom if they need to especially since the school is suppose to be open for the daycare and also the libray after school. I said okay but, I am not happy about the vandalism. She said there was not much she could do since I did not see who did it and she did not either. If they are trying to foster a community feeling and want the community to enjoy the grounds as they say in the Newsletter then being rude when I take a kid to pee is not fostering community feelings. If you want the community out at 3:30 then kick everyone out and lock down the premises like so many American schools. This is a nice how do you do considering I have done so much for the school and the parents have donated money as well as a computer. I am not even going to get into the fact they changed the rules on who qualifies to get into the French program now and how Olivia may not even be able to go to the same school as her sister next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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